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Tefillot Recordings
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Recordings by Type:

Below are the various prayers that are said on Shabbat evening (page numbers correspond with the Lev Shalem prayer book):
Yishm'chu - pg. 14.
Mizmor LDavid (version a) - pg 21
Mizmor LDavid (version b) - pg 21
Lcha Dodi (version a) - pg 23-25
Lcha Dodi (version b) - pg 23-25

Lcha Dodi (version c) - pg 23-25
HaMakom for Mourners - pg 26
Mizmor Shir Lyom haShabbat - pg 27
Tzadik KaTamar - pg 28
Aydotecha - pg 29

Memorial Prayer for Departed - pg 336
Mourners Kaddish - pg 30
Barchu - pg 39A
Umaavir Yom - pg 39A (bottom)
Ahavat Olam - pg 40

Shema and Vahavta - pg 41
Vayomer - pg 42
Micha Mocha (version a) - pg 44
Micha Mocha (version b) - pg 44
Hashkiveinu - pg 45

Ushmor Tzayteinu - pg 45
Vshamru (version a) - pg 46
Vshamru (version b) - pg 46
Hatzi Kaddish - pg 46
Vaychulu - pg 53

Meiayn Sheva Symbolic Repetition - pg 53
Magen Avot - pg 53
Eloheinu Vaylohei Avoteynu - pg 54
Kaddish Shalem - pg 54
Kiddush for Shabbat Evening - pg 55

Kiddush for Festival Evenings - pg 79
Counting Omer - pg 63
Aleinu - pgs 56-57
Psalm for Season of Repentence - pg 59
Mourners Kaddish - pg 58

Yigdal - pg 62

Below are the various prayers that are said on Shabbat morning (page numbers correspond with the Lev Shalem prayer book):
Below are the various blessings Before and After Kiddush Lunch:
Thu, February 6 2025 8 Shevat 5785